Adjustable BatchDialer volume

1 votes

Having the option to adjust the volume of the output from the Batch Dialer program itself. I currently have a setup where I've connected everything to an audio interface. The output volume from my laptop is interconnected with the output of the volume of my microphone. When I decrease the volume of my laptop, it also decreases the output volume of my microphone which means my leads may have some difficulty hearing what I'm saying.

Right now the sound of the beep is very loud relative to other sounds that come out of my laptop and I would like to reduce the volume of the beep. Either an option to be able to adjust the volume of the beep or have the volume of the beep equalized with the rest of the sounds coming out of the program would be nice.

I would not be surprised if others would like the beep sound to be lower than the call volume itself. Right now it seems like the beep is louder than the call volume. But it's all personal preference and having that option to adjust is nice!

Under consideration Dialing Algorithm Suggested by: Amaritpal SIdhu Upvoted: 14 Mar Comments: 0

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