Allow Import from CRM

1 votes

In most CRM you can create a smart list allowing you to do Follow Up Easier I would love to keep my team on a dialer here to do Follow Ups but there is no way for me to automate contacts from my crm ( Hubspot ) to come into batch dialer so will need to delete those licenses and add them to hubspot now ( For example we have a PREAFu30 where we follow up every 30 days with the leads just like that we have 7,15,21,30,45,60,90,180 and they show up on that list when its been that long since the team has spoken to them it would be amazing to automate that list with a campaign here on batch that updates daily for the team to dial on batch.

Under consideration 3rd Party Integration Suggested by: yaddiel amoedo Upvoted: 17 Jan Comments: 0

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