Shortcut Keys

1 votes

It'd be nice to have BatchDialer specific shortcut keys. Right now, I'm purposely not using answering machine detection. Therefore I have to constantly interact with the Call Result screen where I have to choose among DNC, Wrong Number, Answering Machine, Lead, No Answer.

If I can assign Ctrl+1 to DNC, Ctrl+2 to Wrong Number, Ctrl+3 to Answering Machine, Ctrl+4 to Lead, and Ctrl+5 to No Answer, that'd make my life so much easier. Or just be able to customize which Ctrl+# to which Call Result. I use Elgato Streamdeck for business related shortcut keys and having In-App shortcut keys will make my life so much easier.

And also other shortcut key to change status to Available, Break, In Meeting, Lunch etc.

Under consideration Call Result Suggested by: Kevin Upvoted: 18 Aug, '22 Comments: 0

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