Different Dispositions Tie To Different Podio Integrations & Apps

1 votes

Basically the ability to be able to not only push data to Podio but to the right parts of Podio. I cant count on my hands how many times my company has been prospecting and you reach a prospect and they say , Hey i'm not interested in selling but can you add me to your cash buyers list. With the dialer this would be as simple as to create a cash buyer disposition button and then set the disposition button to push the info to your cash buyers app in your Podio. This would also help with lead management as well. You could make different disposition buttons to send your leads to the correct part of your Podio and not just all to the same place. Your hot leads wouldn't go to the same place as someone that may need to go into a 6 month follow up campaign in your Podio.

Under consideration Podio Suggested by: Daim El-amin Upvoted: 03 Dec, '21 Comments: 0

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