"Call Hammer"
"Call Hammer" is a new feature in MOJO version 2.0. When you import records containing more than one phone number, Call Hammer will ensure all numbers are called. ... This means you can hit every number you have for the lead in record time. Calling more numbers means more chance of a contact.
Comments: 5
29 Jun, '21
Mike Buckley MergedI was wondering if there could be a feature added that would allow the Predictive Dialer to call through the first number of each lead in the entire campaign, then automatically start again up at the top of the campaign but this time dialing the second number of each contact lead. then third... etc. Or call each of the first three numbers in a row before moving onto the next lead? I've been calling through a campaign list then been having to go back manually to dial the rest of the numbers for the leads. To put this into logic, before using batch I used to hand dial with a burner phone and would call through the first three phone numbers for each lead until I either called through the numbers or got a hold of someone, then went to the next contact. I am trying to find a way to mimic this automatically with the dialer. In my opinion this is the most effective way to hit a high contact rate.
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18 Aug, '22
mario villafaneSo disappointed this feature is not added which would make Mojo not be able to compete with batchdialer in my opinion.
I feel like I am not getting in contact with as many people as i do on mojo dialer because this feature does not exist. It takes forever to finally get to talk to a homeowner who's correct number just so happen to be the second number. When uploading a big list this will make a huge difference because you wont be able to talk to that person till it goes through all the first numbers first which is a huge headache -
03 Oct, '22
Daniel CarterALSO the system needs to dial the numbers in ORDER. This would mean the system dials contact #1 phone #1. If it doesnt get an answer it dials contact #1 phone #2 and so on until it reaches all of the phone numbers in that contact. When it runs out of numbers to call it moves that person into the "already dialed" category. This whole time the 2nd line should be doing the same with contact #2 phone #1 etc. if the system dialed like that then when we get to the end of the list it should start at the very top which would be the 2nd round of dialing for that list. Please fix ASAP!
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17 Jul, '23
sam aklehThis is crucial
I dont understand the logic of not having this. As it stands, the system is set to call numbers no earlier than 3 hours so if you set the system to call a number 5X you literally have to wait 15 hours for that number to be called 5X and THEN it goes to the next number? -
06 Mar, '24
Dialer Admin Admin"Dialing through all numbers" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2021-06-29), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.